Guidelines for authors


Papers will be presented orally in parallel sessions. Each paper will be allocated 30 minutes, including the oral presentation by the author(s) (max. 20 minutes) and comments of a nominated discussant and questions from the public. All responsible presenters will also be nominated to comment one paper. The papers will be accessible (only for the registered participants) via the conference system 1-2 weeks before the opening of the conference.

Each session has a chair. The session rooms will be set with a LCD monitor, a desktop computer, a microphone, and a pointer.  You need to arrive 10 minutes before your session, introduce yourself to the session chair and upload your presentation on the computer.


The following guidelines apply to final papers for the 9th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research. Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines is greatly appreciated.

When your paper proposal has been accepted, you are expected to prepare and upload a full paper and an abstract.

The full paper should include affiliation of the author(s), contact information, an abstract and references. It may also include figures and tables.

Besides the full paper (including an abstract), you are expected to upload the abstract separately. This will become a part of an electronic abstract book.

All papers and abstracts must be written in English, Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian.

The deadline for final submissions is June 31st, 2019. After this date, we will not be able to guarantee the inclusion of your paper in the conference proceedings.

Please submit your full paper and abstract in PDF-format via the conference management service. For online submission you’ll need your proposal ID and password. We do not accept paper that are submitted via e-mail.

Instructions for papers

Maximum length

An abstract should not contain more than 150 words.

All papers must be limited to 8000 words (edited in accordance with these guidelines), including abstract (150 words), figures, tables, biography and references.


All text, including titles, names, and citations must be in Times New Roman, 11pt. Footnotes and endnotes should be Times New Roman, 10pt.

Order of paper presentation

The general order of the paper should be as follows:

  • Title of paper
  • Author(s)
  • Institutional affiliation(s) of author(s)
  • Contact details (including email and full postal address) of corresponding author
  • Biography of the author(s)
  • Abstract of no more than 150 words
  • Keywords (3-6)
  • Word count of paper
  • The chapters or sections of the main body of the text, tables and figures. Tables and figures should be incorporated in the text following reference to them.
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements, if any
  • References
  • Appendices, if required

Page layout

Page size should be A4 paper. The North American “letter” format (8.5" X 11") is also acceptable. Left and right margins: 2.54 cm (or 1.0"). Top and bottom margins: 2.54 cm (or 1.0"). All pages should be numbered.

How to write an excellent conference paper

  • Insert an abstract (max. 150 words) after the title and author information.
  • Insert a single line after the abstract, followed by a list of up to 6 keywords and a word count of the paper.
  • The start of the main body of the paper should be separated from the keyword list and the word count.
  • All text must start at the left-hand margin
  • Text must be single-spaced
  • Paragraphs should be separated from each other by one blank line.


Please ensure that the spelling of names, terms, and abbreviations is consistent, including when they are used in tables, figures and legends.

Tables and figures

Insert tables and figures in the body of the text, following the paragraph in which they are first mentioned. Each table and figure should have a title and be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals.


Authors are asked to follow the Harvard system of referencing. Do not insert references in footnotes or endnotes.

List of references should be single-spaced. Works by a single author should be listed chronologically. References should respect the following format:


Colbert, F. 1995. Marketing Culture and the Arts. New York: Wiley.


Roodhouse, S. 1998. “The Development of Museum Training in the United Kingdom.” International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 1, no 1, 1998, p. 45–56.

Three or more authors:

Zukerman, V., L. Berry and A. Paterson. 1998. “The Nature and Determinants of Customer Experience of Service.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing, Vol. 4, no 5, p. 1–12.

Article in a book edited by another author:

Fiest, A. 1995. “Consumption in the Arts and Cultural Industries: Recent Trends in the UK”. In: M. Fitzgibbon and A. Kelly, eds. From Maestro to Manager – Critical Issues in Arts & Culture Management. Dublin: Oak Tree Press, p. 245–267.

For any further questions, please, do not hesitate to contact the Conference Organizers:

We are looking forward to welcome you at Bifröst!

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  1. Constant workload trains students in group and team work
  2. Small university that emphasises personal service
  3. We aim for personal development and social participation
  4. Friendly campus for individuals and families
  5. Active quality control and innovative teaching methods