BA in Media and Public Relations

BA in Media and Public Relations aims at preparing students for participating in a complex job market that requires knowledge, skills and professionalism in terms of communicating with businesses, institutions and the media. The degree is based on the foundation of humanities and social sciences and is ideal for people who are interested in working in the media, as PR consultants or PR representatives for companies (public, private), industries, institutions and other sectors in the labour market. The study programme consists of courses that aim at introducing students to fundamental knowledge on culture, society, politics and economics. A special emphasis is put on training in practical skills, such as writing and oral presentations, as well as fundamentals in marketing and public relations.

Gifted students, or students who have completed a part of a degree elsewhere, may finish the programme in two years. Students can only be admitted to the programme if they have finished the Icelandic matriculation examination (stúdentspróf) or have an equivalent educational background.

BA in Media and Public Relations is offered as a distance-learning programme that is mainly taught in Icelandic – however, various courses are offered in English, so international, undergraduate students can take a part of their studies at Bifröst. The BA thesis, which each student must complete in order to graduate, can be written in either English or Icelandic.

Link to the curriculum in Icelandic

Semester 1st year

 Autumn  ECTS   Spring  ECTS   Summer  ECTS 
Information Technology
Media Skills 
Term Project  8
Confident Communication   
Public Relations 1: A Dialogue with the Society 
Elective course 
Practical Logic and Critical Thinking  6 Statistics  6 Elective course  6
Politics and Political Systems 6 Ethics  6    
Methodology 6 Media studies 1: Media and society  6    
Icelandic Politics  
  30   30   20

Semester 2nd year

Autumn  ECTS   Spring  ECTS   Summer  ECTS 
International politics  6 Mass Media  6 Term Project  8
Creative Writing and Representation of Ideas  6 Cultural Studies  6 Elective course  6
Public Relations II: Crisis Management  6 Sustainability and Social Responsibility  6 Elective course  6
Media Studies II: The Societal Effects of the Media  6 Servant Leadership and Management  6    
Digital Marketing  6 Media, Ethics and Law  6    
  30   30   20

Semester 3rd year

 Autumn ECTS 
Bachelor Thesis  14
Elective course 6

Why Bifröst?

  1. Constant workload trains students in group and team work
  2. Small university that emphasises personal service
  3. We aim for personal development and social participation
  4. Friendly campus for individuals and families
  5. Active quality control and innovative teaching methods