Bjarni, Hanna Kristín, Magnús and Atli.

Bjarni, Hanna Kristín, Magnús and Atli.

November 24. 2022

Space Bifröst

Space Iceland and Bifröst University are creating a partnership to promote the benefits of space for Icelandic Society. The new Space Bifröst cooperation marks a big step forward for the local sector and our international partners. Space Bifröst will support the development of a stronger framework for Iceland’s participation in space and the development of a national space plan - which must happen at the government level with stakeholders. As partners, Bifröst and Space Iceland will work together on the development of research projects and courses in social sciences, business and law. 

A pillar of Space Bifröst will be to map out challenges facing the enlargement of the emerging space sector. Space Bifröst will identify the necessary policy reform and propose a development strategy. Iceland currently does not have a formal space policy nor a developed legal framework. The local sector is driven by private initiatives with limited government involvement. Space Bifröst has the goal of attracting international cooperation and projects to Iceland which is fundamental to Iceland’s utilisation of space technology. 

Dr. Bjarni Már Magnússon, professor and head of ML-programs at Bifröst faculty of Law, Hanna Kristín Skaftadóttir, head of business intelligence at the Faculty of Business and Dr. Magnús Árni Skjöld Magnússon, associate professor at The Faculty of Social Sciences will join Atli Þór Fanndal, director of Space Iceland to create Space Bifröst. 

Space is fundamental to our society. Our daily life is already supported and made possible by space technology, such as weather forecasting, telecommunications and transportation, to name just a few examples. Space technology is also pivotal to central needs such as security, defense, energy efficiency and tackling climate change. 

"The increased emphasis that the University of Bifröst has placed on technology-related innovation and entrepreneurial training fits very well with the rapid development that is taking place in the field of space affairs. With this collaboration, the University of Bifröst is taking a big step into the future," says Dr. Margrét Jónsdóttir Njarðvík, Rector of the University of Bifröst. 

“Space Iceland is honoured and excited to be working with a university that embraces space for public good. This innovative project will ensure Iceland is at the forefront of space 4.0,”  says Thor Fanndal, director of Space Iceland. 

Key to our collaboration will be to nurture and speed up development of the domestic space sector. This will include analyzing existing regulations in order to make them current and focus on attracting international, as well as domestic, participation. The work of Space Bifröst will enable strategic planning, increased business opportunities and greatly enhance the space knowledge capacity of Iceland.

Why Bifröst?

  1. Constant workload trains students in group and team work
  2. Small university that emphasises personal service
  3. We aim for personal development and social participation
  4. Friendly campus for individuals and families
  5. Active quality control and innovative teaching methods