Orientation days for new students in the University Gateway June 30. 2022

Orientation days for new students in the University Gateway

On August 12th and 13th we will have New Student Orientation Days for students in the University Gateway program. We will start on Friday the 12th with an Opening Ceremony. Then students will get an orientation to structure of teaching, school services and instruction on how to use the learning management systems. After these introductions there will be icebreaker activities, New student trip to Krauma and a social schedule organized by the student union. Teaching will start in Saturday the 13th. There will be lessons in Information Technology and My Path in Life.

On August 12th and 13th we will have New Student Orientation Days for students in the University Gateway program.  We will start on Friday the 12th with an Opening Ceremony. Then students will get an orientation to structure of teaching, school services and instruction on how to use the learning management systems. After these introductions there will be icebreaker activities, New student trip to Krauma and a social schedule organized by the student union. Teaching will start in Saturday the 13th. There will be lessons in Information Technology and My Path in Life.

Why Bifröst?

  1. Constant workload trains students in group and team work
  2. Small university that emphasises personal service
  3. We aim for personal development and social participation
  4. Friendly campus for individuals and families
  5. Active quality control and innovative teaching methods