Turiba University

Turiba University

Graudu street 68
Riga, LV – 1058



Website: http://www.turiba.lv/en/

Telephone: +371 67622551, +371 67619008
Fax: +371 67619152


Number of inhabitants in the city: 700 000

Number of students in the university: 3 500


Program: Business Administration, Tourism & Hospitality


Academic Calendar:

Autumn semester: September-December

Spring semester:    January-May



See courses taught in English here (page 11, 16 - 21).



There is a youth hostel in the campus which offers accommodation both for permanent and short visits (from 60 to 230€ per month). Website: www.hostelturiba.lv


Useful information:

  • Riga is the capital of Latvia, being home to one third of Latvia's population, and is also the biggest city of the Baltic states
  • The university has a TV studio and offers some different kinds of sport activities
  • Riga can offer you what many big cities have to offer - shopping facilities, museums, magnificient architecture, parks, sports facilities and offers, bike rental stations, restaurants, bars, clubs and so much more...
  • The historic centre of Riga is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage - it has a unique charme and you can just barely run out of things to discover there



Catering organizing and services


Tourism agencies and information systems


Hotel service organization


Information technologies


English and second foreign language by choice


Social psychology


Internet technologies


Research paper


Travel arrangements and management




Business activities in tourism


Commercial law


English and second foreign language by choice


Tourism geography




Hotel management systems


Research paper


Management of catering compnay (optional course)


Culture of Latvia and Baltic states (optional course)


Tourism logistics (optional course)


Language and intercultural communication (optional course)


Financial management


Accounting and taxes


Services and tourism marketing


History of world culture


Human resources management


Political science


Tourism economics and globalization


Management of tourism projects


Research of tourism and market


Business etiquette and communication in hospitality


Languages, cultures and ethics


Research paper


Tourism planning and management






Corporate responsibility and sustainability


Rural tourism


Advertising language and e-communication technologies


International law


Pre-diploma internship


Bachelor's Thesis


Tourism and recreation




Social psychology


Information technologies


Planning and organizing events


English and second foreign language by choice- German, French, Spanish, Russian




Tourism business


Research paper


Active and sport tourism


History of world culture


Organizing culture events


Accounting and taxes


Market research


Risk management


Information technology


Business etiquette and communication in hospitality


Media communication


English and second foreign language by choice


Scenario and stage


Tourism business


Research paper


Business tourism activities


Services and tourism marketing






Finance management


Creativity and leadership


Commercial law


Human resources management




Technical support of events


Consumer rights protection


Language theory and practice


Research paper


Organization of sport events (optional course)


Professional Terminology (German/French/Spanish/Russian) (optional course)


Acting Skills (optional course)


Technical Provisions for Events (optional course)


Culture of Baltic countries (optional course)


International project management (optional course)


Intercultural communication (optional course)


Health and SPA tourism


Tourism economics and globalization


Business ethics


Corporate responsibility and sustainability


Market research and communication


Pre-diploma internship


Bachelor's Thesis


Civil protection




Financial mathematics


Information technology


Applied foreign language






Human resources management




Research paper


Financial accounting


Commercial law


Applied foreign language








Management psychology


Research paper




Marketing researches (optional study course)


Sales management (optional study course)


Recording economic activities (optional study course)


Management accountancy (optional study course)




Finance management


Quality management


Political science and sociological researches


Research paper




Finances and credit (optional study course)


Team building (optional study course)


Couching (optional study course)


Time management (optional study course)


Complex of marketing communication (optional study course)


Consumer's behavior in market (optional study course)


International marketing (optional study course)


Creation of company image (optional study course)


Business ethics (optional study course)


Office work (optional study course)


Logistics (optional study course)


Business deals


Project management


Risk management


International business environment


Strategic management


Pre-diploma internship


Bachelor's Thesis


Information technology




Civil and environment protection






History of world economics


Human resources management






Social psychology


Regulatory framework of business


Research project


Team building (optional study course)


Information selection and interpretation (optional study course)


Art of presentation (optional study course)


Business ethics (optional study course)


Statistical research methods


Marketing, Finance accounting


Political science and sociological studies


Management accountancy


Market research


Communication complex of marketing


Research project


Commercial activity (optional study course)


Applied foreign language (Spanish, French, German language by choice) (optional study course)


Commercial deals (optional study course)


Taxes (optional study course)


Philosophy (optional study course)


Labor rights (optional study course)


Intercultural communication (optional study course)


Accounting of economic activity (optional study course)


Sale management (free elective study course)


Business Latvian (free elective study course)


Business Russian (free elective study course)


Finance management


Psychological aspects of business administration


Strategic management


Seminar of scientific research discussion


Quality management


Bachelor Thesis


Financial markets (free elective study course)


Financial tools (free elective study course)


Couching (optional study course)


Risk management (optional study course)


Business etiquette (optional study course)


Creation of company image (optional study course)


Consumer behavior in the market (optional study course)


International environment of commercial activities (optional study course)


Time planning (optional study course)


Business Manners


Globalization, European Integration and Intercultural Interaction


Civil protection


Communication Management


Communications Research Methods


Music as a Means of Communication


Social Psychology




Public Administration and International Relations




Study paper




New Media




Communications Ethics, Business Etiquette and Protocol


Financial Management and Accounting


Elocution and Interpersonal Communication


Public Relations Campaigns


Language theory and practice


Study Paper


Spanish, Russian, German or French (by choice)


International Marketing


International Law


Integrated Marketing Communications


Reputation and Brand Management


International Marketing




Study Paper


Product Creativity (optional course)


Alternative Marketing Products (optional course)


International Marketing (optional course)


Sports Projects (optional course)




Crisis Communication


Environmental Communication


International Communications (in English or Russian)


Pre-diploma internship


Bachelor's Thesis



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