Halic University

Haliç University

Merkez Mah. Cendere Cad.
No:5 Kagithane,

Website: www.halic.edu.tr/en

Phone: (0 212) 924 24 44
Fax: (0 212) 999 78 52


Number of inhabitants in the city: 14 millions

Number of students in the university: 6 000


Program: Business and Administration


Academic Calendar:

Autumn semester: mid-September to mid-January
Spring semester: February to mid-June



Accomodation possible on campus. Restaurant and cafeteria services, central heating, constant hot water, laundry and ironing services, 24-hour security and superior service, telephone facility, activity room, and 24-hour internet connection.
Those students looking for alternative accommodation can be assisted through the International Office Directorate.


Useful information:

  • 50% of Istanbul population is under 40
  • There are more than 20 clubs in the university

Hvers vegna að velja Bifröst?

  1. Í fararbroddi í fjarnámi
  2. Allt námsefni aðgengilegt á netinu þegar þér hentar
  3. Skólinn kemur til þín og mætir þínum þörfum
  4. Sterk tengsl við atvinnulífið
  5. Persónuleg þjónusta